Apps ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Hydrogen powered »Ξ
DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Benefits of UAV helicopter »Benefits »Mission Profile »Performance »Senses » Specialty » Structure » Usage
DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Behaviour of UAV helicopter »Behaviour » Symbol » Weight & Measures - see also Appendix » A » B » C
Network (NET) for Business powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Agile UAV helicopter deployment ξ »Rapidly deployable Unmanned & Autonomous »Systems (UAS) for »Network-Centric Business Operations »ζb
Pod powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS) with DragonXi UAV
DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle (UAV) for Business powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI )
Hydrogen powered UAV helicopter ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) powered business Unmanned & Autonomous Vehicles (UAV) »Π
Network (NET) for Patrol powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Agile deployment of UAV helicopter ξ »Rapidly deployable Unmanned & Autonomous »Systems (UAS) for »Network-Centric Patrol Operations »ζp
Pod powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Patrol Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS) with DragonXi UAV
DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle (UAV) for Patrol powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Hydrogen powered UAV copter ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) powered patrol Unmanned & Autonomous Vehicles (UAV)
Network (NET) for Military powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Agile UAV deployment ξ »Rapidly deployable Unmanned & Autonomous »Systems (UAS) for »Network-Centric Military Operations »ζm
Pod powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Military Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS) with DragonXi UAV
DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous Vehicle (UAV) for Military powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Hydrogen powered UAV copter ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) powered military Unmanned & Autonomous Vehicles (UAV) »Π
Base Station for DragonXi UAV powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Fuel Cell powered business base station ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered business Unmanned & Autonomous Base Stations (UAS) »Π
Base Station for DragonXi UAV powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Patrol Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Fuel Cell powered patrol base station ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered patrol Unmanned & Autonomous Base Stations (UAS) »Π
Base Station for DragonXi UAV powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Military Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Base station for UAV ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered military Unmanned & Autonomous Base Stations (UAS) »Π
Sensor powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Business Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Wireless Ad Hoc sensor ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered business Wireless Ad-hoc Sensors »Π
Sensor powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Patrol Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Wireless Ad Hoc sensor ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered patrol Wireless Ad-hoc Sensors »Π
Sensor powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Military Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Wireless Ad Hoc sensor ξ Atlantic Ocean Development for Hydrogen Fuel Cell powered military Wireless Ad-hoc Sensors »Π
Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Cell (MH2) powered Resource Device (H2RD) for DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen Magazines and Cartridges ξ Atlantic Ocean Development powered by Hydrogen Magazines and Cartridges in business Resource Devices »Π
Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Cell (MH2) powered Resource Device (H2RD) for DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen Magazines and Cartridges ξ Atlantic Ocean Development powered by Hydrogen Magazines and Cartridges in patrol Resource Devices »Π
Hydrogen (H2) Fuel Cell (MH2) powered Resource Device (H2RD) for DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen Magazines and Cartridges ξ Atlantic Ocean Development powered by Hydrogen Magazines and Cartridges in military Resource Devices »Π
Pocket Rollable Display for Business (PRD4B) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Pocket Rollable Display ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with business Pocket Rollable Display »Π
Pocket Rollable Display for Patrol (PRD4P) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Pocket Rollable Display ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with patrol Pocket Rollable Display »Π
Pocket Rollable Display (PRD4W) for Warrior powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Pocket Rollable Display ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with military Pocket Rollable Display »Π
Hydrogen (H2) Mobile Device for Business (2H2FD4B) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with Hydrogen powered business two TFT Display Freedom Device »Π
Hydrogen (H2) Mobile Device for Patrol (2H2FD4P) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen powered Mobile Phone ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with Hydrogen powered patrol two TFT Display Freedom Device »Π
Hydrogen (H2) Mobile Device for Warrior (2H2FD4W) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen powered Mobile Phone ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with Hydrogen powered military two TFT Display Freedom Device »Π
Alpha Hydrogen (H2) Mobile Device for Business (H2FD4B) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen powered laptop ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with Hydrogen powered business Mobile Freedom Device embedding Pocket Rollable Display »Π
Alpha Hydrogen (H2) Mobile Device for Patrol (H2FD4P) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen powered laptop ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with Hydrogen powered patrol Mobile Freedom Device embedding Pocket Rollable Display »Π
Alpha Hydrogen (H2) Mobile Device for Warrior (H2FD4W) powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)and DragonXi Unmanned Autonomous System (UAS)
Hydrogen powered laptop ξ Atlantic Ocean Development with Hydrogen powered military Mobile Freedom Device embedding Pocket Rollable Display »Π
Sphere of DragonXi powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ξ Multiprocessing4Xi SDK

SDK for Artificial Intelligence for high performance Multi-Core Processors
Δ Faster Systems with modern Processor Architectures
Δ Smart Diagnostics for Multiprocessing
Δ Secure Debug on/off switching
Δ More variety of Verbs and Expressions in programming
Δ Reports built in Industry Standard formats
Δ Visualization of the System from multiple Viewpoints
Δ Increased productivity to the whole System Life Cycle
Δ Logic not changed when debugging added
Δ Increased Productivity via available Patterns
Δ Verbs for Object Actions from Natural Language
Δ Automatic Macros embedded for Smart Keyboards
Δ Easier editing and analyzing of Programs with Tags embedded
Δ Parsing of Programs for the quality of Software Engineering
Δ Errors and Exceptions are properly handled
Δ Faster and more reliable Systems engineered
Δ Agile System Development
Δ Time from Proto to Production minimized
Δ Improved quality of Deliveries
Δ Installations with on-site Diagnostics
Δ Faster Error solving
Δ Increased Performance with easier System Tuning
Δ Both visual and textual Trace
Δ Time stamped Events
Δ Modular System Architecture
Δ Based on Open Systems
Δ Less dependence on Operating System
Δ Managed Exceptions
Δ Architecture scales from Single to Multicore Systems
Sphere of DragonXi powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ξ Scope4Xi SDK

SDK for Artificial Intelligence
Δ Software generated automatically for Xi = {APU ... CPU ... GPU ... ZPU},
- where Xi depicts virtual device prepresenting Processing Unit such as GPU
Δ System can automatically decide the best Processing Unit(s) for Task(s)
Δ Programmers can also allocate Processins Unit(s) for Task(s)
Δ Improved performance
Δ Balanced resource usage
Δ Processing units {APU ... CPU ... GPU ... ZPU} can be simulated
Δ Machine generated code increases productivity
Δ Adding new hardware becomes less costly
Sphere of DragonXi powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)

ξ Studio4Xi SDK

SDK for Artificial Intelligence Δ AI and autonomous System Development
Δ Macros for messages to be embedded in programs
Δ Parsers for software modules
Δ Timing services for trace
Δ XML-files to sense, reason and ace traces
Δ Nouns with colors to depict software actors
Δ Easy import for Classes and Functions
Δ Find services to analyze and develop programs
Δ Verified hyperlinks built for web pages
Δ Embedded trace for Multiprocessing Programs
Δ Automated trace for Software Development
Δ Adjustable timeouts for tuning systems
Δ Symbolized software Actors for trace
Δ XML generated for Sense, Reason and Ace
Δ Dynamically loadable Programs generated with software
Δ 2D/3D Image Programs for special Processors
Δ Natural language trace embedded in programs
Δ Profiles for smart keyboards
Δ Programs for module and system testing
Δ 3D coordinates for timed trace events
Δ Programs for system constants
Δ Compability with standard Multiprocessing
Δ Multiprocessing classes Process4Xi, Queue4Xi, Pipe4Xi
Δ Trace and Benchmark results embedded in modules
Δ Programs to create Web Portals
Δ Programs to view Web Portals based on roles and categories
Δ Version management with one program
Δ Statistics for software and web development
Δ Target functions automatically created for processes
Δ Modules generated to activate processes with target functions
Δ Dummy processes for threads to simulate CPU cores
Δ Target functions activated for processes
Δ Automatically generated Programs and Tests
Δ Multiprocessing Programs generated automatically to distribute work load
Δ Command and Control via Named Pipes and Queues
Δ Visual Symbols for »Verbs and »Nouns
Δ HTML generated to »Verbs, Clusters and Supers
Δ Colors generated to »Actors
Δ Software Objects generated for Processing Units {BPU ... GPU ... ZPU}

ξ App Waves

App Waves
Surfer of DragonXi powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)


California Highway 101

τ Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Artificial Intelligence Antarctic Ocean AI Arctic Ocean AI Autonomous Bay AI Autonomous Device AI Autonomous System AI Caribbean Sea AI Lidar System AI Marlin Fishing AI Pacific Ocean AI Personal Robot AI Southern Ocean AI DragonXi AI
Δ antarcticocean ».ai
Δ arcticocean ».ai
Δ autonomousbay ».ai
Δ autonomousdevice ».ai
Δ autonomoussystem ».ai
Δ caribbeansea ».ai
Δ lidarsystem ».ai
Δ marlinfishing ».ai
Δ pacificocean ».ai
Δ personalrobot ».ai
Δ southernocean ».ai
Δ dragonxi ».ai

Γ Autonomous

Autonomous Autonomous bay AI Autonomous device app Autonomous device dev Autonomous device AI Autonomous robot app Autonomous robot dev Autonomous system app Autonomous system dev Autonomous system AI Autonomous vehicle app Autonomous vehicle dev
Δ autonomousbay ».ai
Δ autonomousdevice ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ autonomousrobot ».app ».dev
Δ autonomoussystem ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ autonomousvehicle ».app ».dev

Ξ Space

Space Beyond space app Cryogenics app Cryogenics dev Space science app
Δ beyondspace ».app
Δ cryogenics ».app ».dev
Δ spacescience ».app

Ψ Ocean and Sea

Ocean Antarctic ocean Arctic ocean Atlantic ocean Caribbean sea Indian ocean Oceanography Pacific ocean Southern ocean
Δ antarcticocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ arcticocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ atlanticocean »app »dev
Δ caribbeansea »app »dev »ai
Δ indianocean ».app ».dev
Δ oceanography ».app
Δ pacificocean »app »dev »ai
Δ southernocean ».app ».dev ».ai

ν Break

Break Marlinfishing Marlinfishing Marlinfishing
Δ marlinfishing ».app ».dev ».ai

ε Quantum Computing

Quantum Computing Aeronautics Autonomous system Cryogenics Oceanography Space Science Unmanned System Autonomous System Personal Robot
Δ aeronautics »app »dev
Δ autonomoussystem ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ cryogenics ».app ».dev
Δ oceanography ».app
Δ spacescience ».app
Δ unmannedsystem ».app ».dev

Π Science

Science Aeronautics Beyondspace Oceanography Spacescience Cryogenics Yocto
Δ aeronautics »app »dev
Δ beyondspace »app
Δ oceanography ».app
Δ spacescience ».app

ρ Unmanned

Unmanned DragonXi AI DragonXi App DragonXi Dev Lidar System AI Lidar System App Lidar System Dev Unmanned System App Unmanned System Dev
Δ dragonxi ».app ».dev ».com ».ai
Δ lidarsystem ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ unmannedsystem ».app ».dev

All in alphabetical order

Alphabetical Apps
California Highway 101

Ace it
Δ aceit »app
Δ aeronautics »app »dev
Δ antarcticocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ app2ace4yo ».app
Δ arcticocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ atlanticocean ».app ».dev
Δ autonomousbay ».ai
Δ autonomousdevice ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ autonomousrobot ».app ».dev
Δ autonomoussystem ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ autonomousvehicle ».app ».dev

Beyond meat
Δ beyondspace ».app

Caribbean sea
Δ caribbeansea ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ cryogenics ».app ».dev

UAV helicopter
Δ deeplearninginference ».app
Δ dragonxi ».app ».dev ».com ».ai

Indian Ocean
Δ indianocean ».app ».dev

Δ jetport ».app ».dev

Δ lidarsystem ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ longrangehunting ».app

Marlin fishing
Δ marlinfishing ».app ».dev ».ai

Δ namib ».app

Δ objectdetection ».app
Δ oceanography ».app
Δ open source platform ».app ».dev

Δ pacificocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ personalrobot ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ porthos ».app ».dev

Rub Al Khali
Δ reasonit ».app
Δ rubalkhali ».app

Southern Ocean
Δ senseit ».app
Δ southernocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ spacescience ».app

Third pole
Δ transferlearning ».app

Unmanned system
Δ unmannedsystem ».app ».dev

Δ yocto ».app
Δ yourdragonxi ».com ».org

Ξ Contact {ceo|cbo|cco|cdo|cfo|cmo|cpo|cto|sec|}

ξ » email
Chief BIO (CBO) of DragonXi powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Δ antarcticocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ arcticocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ atlanticocean ».app ».dev
Δ caribbeansea ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ cryogenics ».app ».dev
Δ indianocean ».app ».dev
Δ oceanography ».app
Δ pacificocean ».app ».dev ».ai
Δ southernocean ».app ».dev ».ai
ξ » email
Secretary (SEC) of DragonXi powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Δ antarcticocean ».ai
Δ arcticocean ».ai
Δ autonomoussystem ».ai
Δ caribbeansea ».ai
Δ marlinfishing ».ai
Δ pacificocean ».ai
Δ personalrobot ».ai
Δ southernocean ».ai

Ξ Venture »

London Stock Exchange

Ξ Legal by The California Law, ITAR, CCPA and GDPR by EU® »

Golden Gate Bridge

Ξ Powered by Linux™, FastCGI Process Management (FPM) - PHP»

Legal Meta Data Fiber Partners